DH is proud to sponsor this year’s Agents of Change Summit, a gathering of leaders in public health, government, nonprofit, digital and social media, marketing and technology to change health behaviors for greater social good.
Find DH at AoC
Come to DH Senior Account Director and PhD., Mallory Peak’s, presentation.
Driving Hope: Social Marketing in the Shadow of a National Crisis
Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 10:00am
San Diego Hotel and Marina, Marina 3
Read her summary below:

As communicators, as public health professionals, we have seen the impact of opioids across the communities we serve. Opioid misuse transcends geography, demography and economy. At the same time, we know there are healthy behaviors that we can promote to get in front of this issue to keep our communities safe.
Washington State has built one of the largest social marketing campaigns in the country to prevent opioid misuse by leveraging community prevention system networks. In this session, we unpack how to change audience behavior with positive messaging and community mobilization. Viewing audiences as message carriers in a larger movement for behavioral change is central to both raising awareness of opioid risk and communicating prevention and intervention strategies.
Learn more about Agents of Change and watch presentations from past summits.
DH + Social Change