Cruise Lines International Association

Cruise Lines International Association

Cruise Lines International Association PUBLIC RELATIONS Conveying a trade association’s commitment to Seattle. Through events, media relations and community outreach, we’re helping CLIA build visibility — and articulate its economic impact and commitment to...
Uwajimaya | Public relations

Uwajimaya | Public relations

Uwajimaya PUBLIC RELATIONS Using advocacy & community engagement to support a long-marginalized neighborhood. Uwajimaya is a family-owned Asian grocery store deeply rooted in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District. When a new light rail station was proposed in...
Seattle Convention Center | Strategic communications

Seattle Convention Center | Strategic communications

Seattle Convention Center | Strategic communications For Seattle Convention Center For nearly a decade, DH supported the Convention Center and its Addition’s strategic communications, public relations and marketing efforts with local stakeholders and the public...
Alaska Airlines | Public relations

Alaska Airlines | Public relations

Alaska Airlines PUBLIC RELATIONS Helping an airline connect with its hometown.  Alaska calls on our team to build stronger ties and more meaningful engagement in Seattle.  Community engagement The airline wanted to hear feedback about how it’s showing up in Seattle...
Reintroducing a force for good

Reintroducing a force for good

Reintroducing a force for good For Innovia Foundation The Inland Northwest’s largest community foundation was a well-kept secret. We sought to change that. WHAT WE DID Quantitative & qualitative research, focus groups & surveys Blog & content strategy...