by nsackman | Oct 9, 2020
Networked for Life For Northeastern University Introducing an established brand to the Seattle market WHAT WE DID Business-to-business (B2B) & Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing strategy Content strategy & thought leadership Corporate communications...
by nsackman | Aug 11, 2020
Changing behaviors for safer driving For Washington Traffic Safety Commission We used the best of social change marketing to influence seat-belt use, curb DUIs, slow down speeders and support multimodal safety. WHAT WE DID Advertising Social Change Marketing Social...
by nsackman | Aug 10, 2020
Next stop: The great outdoors For King County Metro Messaging about the great outdoors is often designed for one audience only, with one set of benefits. To boost ridership and access, our campaign highlighted benefits unique to underserved populations. WHAT WE DID...
by nsackman | Aug 7, 2020
A 100-acre transformation For Spokane Parks and Recreation Spokane’s central gathering space got a gorgeous renovation — and branding to match. WHAT WE DID Advertising Brand implementation Brand messaging Brand Strategy Creative strategy Logo development &...
by nsackman | Jul 29, 2020
Healing urgent care’s painful image For MultiCare Indigo We promised a different urgent care experience in Spokane’s Indigo clinics — and the sick and injured responded. Clinics exceeded their target patient volume goals starting on Day One. WHAT WE DID Advertising...