Shireen Khinda

For Shireen, success is in the details. And in planning, planning, planning. She’s known for thinking ahead — far ahead, and in detail — through each step of a campaign, from budget to production timeline to last-minute edits. And if Plan A should go awry (definitely not for a lack of planning), you can count on Shireen to swoop in with a ready-to-activate Plan B. With a strong background in transit, Shireen is experienced in designing campaigns that reach diverse audiences.
Senior Account Director
Loves a good bus story
Thinks ahead
Soars above

Shireen’s take on:

Priorities for transit agencies

If you want to increase ridership, you need to build value among different audiences, Shireen says — and that starts with humanizing your agency and making your story accessible. Share real stories of real people who are truly benefiting from your services, from your bus operators to your regular riders to your community partners.

“Stories are powerful because it helps people imagine themselves in those situations,” Shireen says.

What makes an account manager great

With a great account manager, you know there’s always someone there to support you.

Shireen says:

They’re one step ahead — thinking of your needs before you do and bringing new ideas and solutions to the table.

A great account manager keeps track of the little pieces that add up to the big picture. Speaking of adding, it’s also helpful if their math is right. If you’ve ever worked with Shireen, you know: Shireen’s math is always right.

The best ride at Disneyland

Shireen loves Disneyland as an almost nonstop multisensory experience. For that reason, Soarin’ Around the World is one of her favorite rides (“although, technically, it’s a California Adventure ride,” she says).

“You feel the wind in your way as you’re soaring around. And it creates different scents as it’s going,” she says. “I appreciate the level of detail. Of course.”


Bachelor of arts, public relations, Gonzaga University

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