Melissa Hedwall

When she’s describing her work at DH, Melissa helpfully boils it down to the basics: We help people and organizations talk about what they do and why it’s important. As an account executive in DH’s Puget Sound office, Melissa does just that, supporting clients with content planning, community engagement and executive communications, as well as supporting DH’s marketing team with the development of a comprehensive DEI strategy.
Account Manager
Primo planner
Community builder

The importance of communication.

Everyone has their preferred style of communicating, and Melissa points out that it’s imperative to adapt to your clients’ methods so you can help them get their story across. No matter the size of the organization, Melissa works with them so that their messaging authentically resonates with the communities they’re trying to reach. “Thoughtful communication is something that every organization needs. It’s a really powerful skill,” Melissa says. “Know your audience and know who you’re talking to, and what they would expect to hear from you and how they want to be talked to. Writing from different perspectives and for different audiences is something I love to do.”
Melissa says:

I think it’s so exciting to find the right words and put them together in the perfect way, to say exactly what you’re thinking and put it down on the page. It’s such an important piece that people sometimes forget, and it’s a really important driver for the kind of change that I want to see in the world.

Finding the beat.

Melissa was an avid dancer when she was younger, but it was a hobby that was put on the back burner when she became an adult. Within the last few years, Melissa started taking modern and contemporary dance classes to brush up on her technique, and the spark was reignited, and she has even performed in recent student showcases. “I stopped in college because I was really busy, but I’ve started up again,” Melissa says. “Expressing myself in a way that’s physical and that feels good — that was something I really missed.” When she isn’t in the office or at the dance studio, you can find Melissa on an outdoor excursion — taking walks, going on hikes and visiting the lake — or taking on a DIY furniture project.
BA, Political Science BA, Communications University of Washington

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