Jenny King

Jenny is a media-buying triple threat, a sharp strategist across traditional, digital and specialty media. Fueled by research and prone to invention, she’s also DH’s explorer-in-chief. Her sense of curiosity and love of adventure translate into her work — to our clients’ advantage.
Associate Vice President – Media Services
Persona mapper
Digital media fine-tuner
Long-distance hiker

Jenny’s take on:

Building personas to reach audiences

The better you know your audience, the better your message and the smarter your tactics for reaching them.

That’s why DH invests in timely, detailed consumer data, which Jenny puts to strategic use to help you connect with your target audience. That includes “audience persona mapping,” or using data to create a detailed picture of a person in your audience. Jenny uses Prime Lingo software to dig into data about consumers’ media use, shopping preferences, hobbies, interests and demographics.

Provided by market-research company Nielsen Scarborough, the data can highlight some surprising characteristics. Did you know Latino men happen to watch scary movies more than any other demographic group? Jenny knew — and DH produced a wildly successful seatbelt-safety PSA featuring a midnight-in-the-woods chainsaw killer.

Jenny uses similar data to handpick media platforms — so we’re connecting with your particular audiences where they already are. Because the goal is meaningful connection that compels action, whether your ad is on log boom at a boat race or on Pandora.

Optimizing digital media performance

Jenny can use real-time data about your digital ad campaign’s performance to make real-time adjustments, fine-tuning for best results. Comparing against a control group, for example, she might test different versions of a Facebook ad shown to different groups to see which leads to the most click-throughs to your website.

Jenny says:

That helps clients decide where to spend less or more.

Long hikes in high places

Jenny started hiking because she got a dog, and the dog needed to walk. They went farther and farther, and then they started walking in the forests and mountains.

One hike stands out. Hiking with a group in the Enchantments in the Central Cascades, Jenny was 17 miles in when they reached a snow bridge too melted to cross. The group backtracked 17 miles — the same day. “We were on very high, steep icy cliffs,” Jenny says, “and we needed to move fast before it got dark.” Half the group left with the water; Jenny was in the slower group. “When I got back, they were there with water and beer. It was a grueling hike, but now when I think about that trip, I think about how great and beautiful it was.”


Bachelor of arts, communications, Washington State University

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