Annie Blake-Burke

The daughter of Irish immigrants, Annie grew up cooking alongside her family in California. When she was offered a job at a London PR agency publicizing Michelin-star restaurants, luxury hotels and cocktail bars, she ate up the chance to live the food life (for a while) beyond U.S. borders. It was a fast, busy, high-pressure life. In London’s crowded, competitive food scene, it took creativity — hello, world’s highest gin pour — and tenacity to garner attention for her clients. Back in the U.S. for a few years now, Annie takes a broader, deeper view to her work – while still applying creativity and tenacity. She has become a master of the large, integrated campaign for clients who are more about the social good than what tastes good. But, luckily for those who look to her for restaurant recommendations, Annie still cares about what tastes good, too.
Associate Vice President
Social media inventor
Starting pitcher
Cultural adapter

Annie’s take on:

The art of the integrated campaign

Your message may be lovely. That doesn’t mean your audience will see it – even if it’s right in front of them. To comprehend and act on a message, a person has to encounter it multiple times and in varied ways.

That’s the beauty of the integrated campaign, Annie says. It’s like a puzzle that fits together just right, because you get to create the pieces. Owned and earned media tactics reach existing audiences and build credibility without huge investments. And research-based paid media tactics help you hone in on your intended audience where they’re already consuming information.

Annie has mastered this kind of puzzle, managing multi-year, statewide integrated campaigns for DH clients.

Annie says:

I really like solving problems, working with my clients to understand their needs and goals, and developing a strategy. With integrated campaigns, we can be flexible and turn different aspects on and off, depending on how they’re performing.

Working with journalists

During the height of the pandemic, Annie provided ongoing crisis communications and media-relations support for large health care organizations.

She learned to make it as easy as possible for media to cover her clients’ stories. Her advice: Respond quickly to journalists’ questions and needs, being sensitive to their deadlines. And serve up the information and resources they need to tell stories that matter to their audiences.

Moving among cultures

In Ireland, Annie’s father worked as an accountant for a dairy business. There were perks, sure, like take-home yogurt at week’s end. But her parents wanted more opportunities for their family, so they immigrated to the U.S. after winning a green-card lottery. New to California, Annie’s family lived with relatives — eight people in a small apartment. Eventually, her father joined a tech startup. “They made a life for themselves,” Annie says.

Annie learned about Irish culture (warm, welcoming) from her family. While she says she’s grateful for her international perspective – she lived in London for four years – she feels most at home in the U.S., close to family and amid the cultural quirks she grew up with.


Bachelor of arts, public relations, Gonzaga University

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