Animation to raise awareness
for trident seafoods
Inviting viewers under the sea to learn about sustainable fishing.
Trident Seafoods wanted to educate the public and decision-makers about its sustainable fishing practices — sharing the facts in ways its audience could relate to. Through rich animation and thoughtful explanation, we made a video that brought the sea to life and brought clarity to this complex issue.
Visual Research
Studying real places to tell a real story.
Accuracy and authenticity were vital, as part of Trident’s goal was to help viewers understand the facts related to its work. We also wanted to convey the beauty of Alaska. Our visual research included Google Earth flyovers, Street View visits, and scrutiny of Trident’s vessels, marinas and underwater footage. We created detailed, true-to-life illustrations that made the environments relatable and reflected our client’s reality.
Storytelling style
A facts-first approach, infused with humanity.
Trident’s video conveys the company’s responsible fishing practices alongside the industry’s important role in Alaska’s communities and in supporting healthy oceans. By weaving the story together through narration and animation, Trident’s spot conveys the facts and its positive impact on people’s lives.
Visual approach
Shifting points of view tell a complete story.
Our team used a “point of view” approach to lead viewers through natural and built Alaskan settings. This provided “stopping points” for information about interrelated parts of the Alaska seafood story, and the role played by Trident. A final, overhead view of Alaska ties the story to its larger context.