Cruise Lines International Association
Conveying a trade association‘s commitment to Seattle.
Through events, media relations and community outreach, we’re helping CLIA build visibility — and articulate its economic impact and commitment to sustainability.

Event support
CLIA wanted to build relationships and foster dialogue throughout the Pacific Northwest by supporting big events in Seattle. They included CLIA’s inaugural Pacific Northwest Symposium of industry and community leaders from Seattle, Vancouver, B.C., and Alaska. Business owners and environmental-technology leaders attended this two-day event to discuss cruise-related challenges and opportunities. By identifying invitees, providing regional context and crafting messaging points, we worked with CLIA’s leaders as they made strategic and effective connections.
Media relations
Our strategic pitches and coordination efforts led to broadcast and print coverage of CLIA events and cruise season milestones. They included an end-of-season ship luncheon where port and industry leaders shared good news about the cruise industry’s economic boost to greater Seattle.

Local engagement
CLIA wants to build relationships and make positive contributions in Seattle. DH has identified strategic opportunities to provide connections, support and partnership, including sponsorships.
Homeport engagement
DH has helped CLIA foster relationships with port officials and staff through dialog and agenda-setting. Good relationships between ports and cruise operators can lead to innovations like Seattle’s shore-power system. The system lets ships “plug in” to the electrical grid while at berth, reducing carbon emissions.