King County Housing Authority
Annual Report
Custom graphics help convey complexities of affordable housing.
The King County Housing Authority had experienced a year of tremendous progress, improving and expanding affordable housing during a time of change and uncertainty. DH helped the agency share its successes with partners and stakeholders by designing its 2022 annual report.
The report highlighted the agency’s renewed commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging; its ability to use government funding in innovative ways; and the diverse community partnerships that allowed KCHA to provide comprehensive support services to residents.
Our team wrote and edited the report, working closely with the client team to tell an authentic story about the year’s successes while acknowledging the region’s housing crisis.

We also built upon KCHA’s visual identity to create a flexible but consistent design system for this piece. Custom infographics and diagrams represented the realities and complexities of affordable housing in King County, as well as the network of partnerships that made its work possible.