Creative   Culture   Inspiration

New work. New faces. New website.

October 12, 2020
A lot has changed in 2020, but thankfully, not all of it has been for the worse. Amid of the challenges this year has brought, DH has been fortunate to expand our team and the organizations we’ve supported. As with our clients, adapting through the pandemic and its uncertainties hasn’t been a cakewalk, but we thought it was time to share the new work, ideas and team members driving DH forward.

To do that, we updated and expanded our website.
Here’s what we hope you’ll check out:

View our biggest work.

Herein, you’ll find a series of our latest, biggest projects including our “Spread Kindness, Not COVID-19” campaign. Based on social change marketing, the campaign is achieving great results in Spokane County, and we’re licensing the campaign to other public health organizations across Washington. We’ll be rolling out more of our work from 2020 in the coming weeks, so check back soon.

Read our latest thinking.

There’s been a lot to talk about this year, and we’ve had a lot to say. From best practices on clear communication with audiences during the pandemic to work brands will need to prepare for on the other side, catch up on the points of view from across our team.

If you haven't already, subscribe to our eNews for the latest about communications strategy!

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Meet the people who make it happen.

A former Obama administration staffer. A PhD in social change science. An IPREX Global president. Analysts and illustrators, novelists and painters, dog lovers and backpackers. We interviewed our team to give you fresh insights into their expertise and a window into what makes us tick.

dh website beforedh website after

So, enjoy the new And if you haven’t already, follow along on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram where we’ll post new thinking, share industry conversations and our latest work. For the next two months we’ll be spotlighting our clients and each DHer as they takeover social channels for a day!



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