Kyle Davis

Kyle works behind the scenes in DH’s accounting department, and though he swears he’s no math wizard, he’s responsible for keeping our books balanced. Knowing how to create a killer Excel spreadsheet helps a bit, too.
Director of finance
Business brain
Doer of odd jobs
House flipper
Kyle’s first accounting job was at a Spokane firm where he worked closely with local businesses and saw how they functioned on the back end. “Seeing how different businesses operate was super interesting,” Kyle says. “I like the business decisions of accounting.”

And being familiar with the ins and outs of business operations has been helpful when it comes to crunching numbers for DH: “It was beneficial being around so many companies and creating those relationships, because everything in life is a relationship”

Kyle’s take on:

Home improvement

Within the last few years, Kyle has been involved in real estate, and he and a friend have purchased a couple fixer-uppers and flipped them.


My goal is to always buy off-market, because then you’re not paying realtor fees and you can make it fair for both parties.

Kyle’s advice on real estate investments:

“If you have a budget and a timeframe, double both. If you hold on to something long enough, you’ll eventually make money. It’s just like the stock market. Labor is also super expensive if you’re doing flips, so if you can do a lot of stuff yourself, you can increase your margins a lot.”

More than crafty

One byproduct of renovating houses is that you get to be real handy. In his free time, Kyle is often in his home workshop, focused on woodworking projects or taking on odd jobs for his friends and family. “I’ve always been pretty hands-on,” Kyle says, though it helps to have a directory of other hands-on people to give you tips: “I’ve grown up with a lot of people that have done similar things, so I can call on them for advice. There’s also YouTube.”

Master of Business Administration, B.B.A.: Finance & Accounting, Eastern Washington University

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